We are all Connected. But, Why Should We ?
Its definitely astonishing that we are ‘Online’ every second of the day and any piece of information that ‘someone’ intend to share, reaches us in a fraction of seconds. And we call this as ‘Advancement in Technology’. But it is not necessary that we should always be available to everyone anytime.
Why we are connected ?
The prelim reason we are connected is to know what our kith and kin folks do right now. Just think a while, how many times do we check the social media to get to know about the things happening to our friends. How many times do we log into WhatsApp to check others’ status? Doing a simple math, we spend on an average of two hours in checking what others are doing.
Knowing information is fine. But knowing what others’ are doing isn’t !
Having connected in the wide web, gives us a sense of security.
Impact of being connected
A study posits that being connected and showcasing the happenings of us gives a sense of pride and stardom. And for this prime reason, 92% of the users stay online.
This results is mind boggling !. We stay online to showcase our happenings and our sense of pride elevates. Knowing what others are doing may be motivating but peeking regularly into others’ life frustrates you after a while. Be known:
Best stuff are brewed in isolation.!
Being connected gives us a sense of pride which is indeed a ‘Bogus’
Being Connected isn’t strength
Looking back into history, we could infer that great men did wonders in isolation. They occasionally come out and discuss ‘Ideas’ and again isolate themselves for their progression. They knew keenly, being connected isn’t strength.
Another prime threat of being connected is the ‘Stealing of Time’. I have heard my friends portraying that ‘We were texting in the WhatsApp group, and the time flew’. Time is being robbed from you through the online media.
Beware ! Being connected isn’t strength. Being alone isn’t weakness !
Take Away
It is not always we must be connected.
Being connected kills our notion and time.
Good stuff were brewed in isolation.
Beware of Staying Connected rather, Stay ISOLATED and do wonders. !!